01 Jul
Theatre stage equipment makes your show beautiful

When you want to put a good show then having the great theatre stage equipment is very important. The right and high-quality stage equipment make show much better. There is a wide range of theatre stage equipment which makes it attractive. When you add beautiful new theatre equipment to your venue, then the audience, cast, and crew will feel the difference.

What are the different kinds of theatre stage equipment?

•    Arena & auditorium dividers: they are the best equipment to use the maximum space without compromising the end-user experience. It ensures that divider curtains line up perfectly with the existing entrance and exits. 

•    Austrian and brail curtains: these curtains are used for decoration. They are easily recognizable by the horizontal swags. They have rings attached to the bottom of the curtain so that cables which run vertically with those rings and raise and gather the curtain from the bottom when it is flown out.

•    Blackout curtains: the aim of blackout curtain can be clear from its name. Blackout curtains will block light so an audience can emphasize on the action in front of them rather than what is going on backstage. Blackout curtains is used outside the theatre for block light to enter the theatre.

•    Chain drive curtain systems: when you have a unique space and need to store your curtains in tight then chain drive curtain is the best theatre stage equipment.They are quiet and provide accurate positioning. Your curtains are neatly stored when they are not in use.

•    Cyclorama: it is commonly known as Cyc. These curtains are located at the rear of the performance area, which is frequently used for big washes of color and usually to the mimic of the sky. They are based on the size of the venue, patterns of usage, and budget.

•    Counterweight rigging: counterweight rigging is one of the theatre stage equipment which helps to make the best use of space. It enables a stage crew to host quickly, quietly, and safely components such as curtains, lights, Scenery, and stage effects. They are mainly designed to fly segments to a clear view of the audience.

•    Fire curtain: fire curtains are designed to block an opening and stop the fire and smoke spreading between two areas. Many fire curtains are used in a large area. It divides the building into “fire compartments” when there is a fire. It provides time for people to move out. It protects the property.

These are the theatre stage equipment which makes your show more beautiful and uninterrupted.

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